MORREU O AUTOR DO BLUEBEEP — Acabo de tardiamente saber que meu velho amigo ONKEL DITTMEYER morreu em fevereiro de…

MORREU O AUTOR DO BLUEBEEP — Acabo de tardiamente saber que meu velho amigo ONKEL DITTMEYER morreu em fevereiro de 2011. Criador do programa BlueBeep, que permitia (ilegalmente) fazer chamadas telefônicas internacionais gratuitamente na década de 90, foi um camarada adorável. Vou apurar mais sobre a morte dele e escreverei a respeito. Por ora, deixo pra vocês o que ele escreveu a seu próprio respeito em janeiro de 2009:

25 Things About Me

Oh noes, I’ve been infected by the 25 Things meme.. here we go:

1. I know just about enough Norwegian to read a newspaper

2. I’m licensed to drive cars, tractor trailers and motorcycles of any size

3. I once went skydiving, tripped at the landing and landed on my face

4. I removed my tounge piercing 2 years ago, but the hole is still there

5. I once walked around a desolate island in Scotland by myself for 4 weeks

6. I’m old enough to remember using a 2400 bps modems to go online

7. I’ve lived in Germany, the U.S.A, UK, Ireland and Norway.

8. I haven’t talked to my mother for 4 years

9. I lost all my hair when I was 28

10. I once crashed a motorcycle into the side of a car, flew over it, got up and walked away

11. I know what being snowballed means, and I won’t say I didn’t like it

12. I’m not allowed in the U.S. until Summer 2010

13. I consume between 1 and 2 litres of coffee per day

14. I lived out of a backpack for 2 years

15. I can still flawlessly mix records using 2 turntables and a mixer

16. I hitchhiked around New Zealand for 4 months

17. I know how to make a mean pasta cream sauce, I once had a Sicilian roommate that taught me how

18. I couldn’t live without Listerine

19. I once had a bird, but it broke its own neck trying to fly through a glass door

20. I smoke liquorice rizla, which has lead people to believe I’m “smokin’ a twig”

21. I once rode a 50cc scooter from Germany to London in the middle of winter

22. I used to be an avid swimmer and diver in my youth

23. I once taught a girl how to drive a stick shift, in a cemetary parking lot, with nobody to kill there, because the people are already dead.

24. When I was a kid, I used to steal a pair of underwear off of every female I slept with for souvenirs … until a jealous female found them and threw them all away

25. I did Judo as a boy and can still throw most people on the ground pretty quickly

2 comentários em “MORREU O AUTOR DO BLUEBEEP — Acabo de tardiamente saber que meu velho amigo ONKEL DITTMEYER morreu em fevereiro de…

  1. Acabo de saber que a causa mortis foi suicídio 😦


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